Wednesday 21 June 2017


by Laz Apir

When Shimadoo Igbawua made the submission that Benue needs a new beginning, almost everyone who spared time to read what she had to say concurred that truly Benue was due for a fresh start. However, someone held a different opinion and branded the youths advocating for fresh start as naïve and inexperienced. The single differing opinion got me thinking and I said to myself, wait a minute, this guy is himself a youth, so did he reach that conclusion because as a youth he feels naïve and inexperienced? Or has someone older brainwashed him into feeling naïve and inexperienced? Whichever be the case, I came to the realization that Benue needing a new beginning is not the problem. The real problem is the obstacles to reaching the reset button. A duty that has become a collective and necessary one, I invite you to join me in the task of identifying and removing the obstacles in the way of Project Reset Benue State.

For me, a key obstacle is the mindset of some Benue Youths. Let me first give you some shocking backgrounds that perhaps some Benue youths are unaware of which leaves them enslaved in the hands of their oppressors.

The current life expectancy in Nigeria is 54.07 years which ranks 16th in Africa and 216 in the world. What this means is that if nothing drastic happens by way of improving the situation, most Nigerians will die before their 60th birthday. Based on this submission, it means anyone who is above 54 years is living on borrowed time and is more likely to die before those who are less than 40 years. What this readily points out is the fact that we have largely people who are living on borrowed time, nay, people who are at the end of their lives and yet acting as though their lives are just beginning, steering our affairs; whilst those who have a long future ahead are idly watching how their futures are being shaped or shipped away. Keep this in mind as we consider the next background.

In another news, Nigeria’s latest population estimate shows that half of Nigeria’s estimated 182 million people are young persons of below 30 years of age. That would be a whopping 91 million human beings!!! If you add the young adults of 31-40 years, it is safe to say 75% of Nigerians are below 45 years old. Juxtapose this statistics with that of life expectancy and you would see that the people deciding the future have no real share in it and as such may have been exhibiting very low levels of commitment to building a viable and prosperous future for the youths.

It then begs the question of what yardstick of measurement has allowed the entrenchment of such a system in which the older population which is in the minority enslaves the younger population that have the majority? I have my guess but please add yours in the comment section.

My theory is that the mindset of the youths is not right, and it has led to their enslavement and exclusion from being active shapers of their future. If election is won by those with majority votes, how does one explain how those with the number, the energy and the actual future ahead not vote themselves into office; instead, they vote people who have neared their ends and are still greedy to only concern with amassing wealth they can never really finish spending in their remaining miserable lives? And to imagine that a few youths who dare to challenge the misnomer are being told by their fellow youths that they are being naïve and inexperienced. That is one hell of a sick mindset!

I tell what, gullibility is not an exclusive preserve of the young. From 1999 to date, evidence support the fact that the old are just as gullible as the young. What really matters is that when the time of a generation comes, they are able to seize the opportunity and do what is best for themselves knowing that posterity is never kind in judgement. In fairness, it is possible that out of the 75% youthful population, maybe only 5% is experienced, prepared and ready to lead, and as such, they should have the opportunity to steer the dreams and aspirations of their generation and even attempt to lay a solid ground before transiting power to the next and the next generation. I ask; what has stopped the 5% ready youths from being included in leadership? Has the subsisting system fed their minds with lies of unpreparedness, inexperience and naivety?

Nay, Martin Luther King Jnr. answered this a long time ago when he said “Freedom is never willingly given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed”.

Dear Benue Youths, you are ripe for leadership. No one, I repeat no one; should tell you otherwise. Every day, I encounter very many of you who exhibit competence and grasp of the issues that a good leadership requires. Stephen Hemba for instance know every compound and business premise that should be demolished in Makurdi town and has the will power to execute if given the opportunity. He did an entire MSc. research on this issue and made far reaching recommendations, I bet the previous and incumbent governor care less. Similarly, folks like Tersoo Samson Akula, Yimave Gyangyang, Mavis Dooshima Orjime, Charles Uko Agwu, Atom Lim, Aondover Lawrence Utsaha, Oryiman Alu, and several other Benue youths out there that I have come across who are handling complex roles for multinationals, international and national projects and accomplishing amazing success. 

Therefore for anyone to say to the generality of Benue youths that they are naïve and inexperienced is not only an insult to an entire generation, it is a blatant lie conjured by an oppressor that desires to hold onto power even to the grave. Therefore, for any youth to sit back and expect that their time to ascend to leadership is ahead is faulty and a confirmation that perhaps they are not ready. To expect no obstacles in the quest for leadership is tantamount to expecting the oppressor to willingly hand you your freedom. It won’t happen!

So, I dare you to be louder in your demand for the right to decide your future. I challenge you to get involved in shaping your future, no one is better qualified in deciding what is good for you than you.

And for the youths whose education and exposure has become as useless as the “P” is Psychology; given their blind loyalty to the oppressor. They have made themselves an obstacle to the actualization of the Project Reset Benue, to these doubters, the only thing you can do is to make them believe. How do you do that? Continue to organize, continue to mobilize, continue to shape the narrative and most of all, continue to push forward, when the moment of truth comes, they will beg to fall in line. Eventually they all do.

Project Reset Benue state is the youths’ and any other willing participant regardless of age, sex, ethnicity or religion. It won’t be easy, it never has been easy, not for Ghandi, not for Martin Luther King Jnr., not for Mandela and certainly not for you the progressive minded Benue Youths already organizing. But you are left one choice and direction…to keep moving forward…with eyes on the goal.

I am Laz Apir, and my love for Benue State is enormous.

Views as expressed are solely the authors’ @lazapir and not necessarily those of LEAD Benue Movement.