Wednesday 3 January 2018


LEADBenue Condemn the Attacks on Guma Communities

The impunity with which helpless and unarmed farming communities are attacked by armed herdsmen is an insult on the sovereignty of the nation Nigeria. How can the President remain this offensively silent?

1.0 Guma, Logo and Agatu communities in Benue state have continued to witness killings best likened to massacres over the past three years.

2.0 The Agatu massacre even had the secretary of MACBAN justify the attacks in a town hall meeting convened by the police commissioner as a reprisal attack. No arrests were made.

3.0 Several other attacks followed in Ayilamo and Buruku communities, all of which the Governor reached out to the presidency and reported same.

4.0 It is as regrettable as it remains shocking that Benue people from Guma LGA once again came under unprovoked attacks from armed herdsmen as they went about celebrating the 2018 new year day.

4.1 Given the zero response from any security agency of the federal government, the armed herdsmen returned to attack the helpless people of Uikpam in Guma LGA on the 2nd of January 2018, this time, over 20 human lives were massacred.

5.0 The executive Governor of Benue state personally was at the Benue State University Teaching hospital to see for himself the casualties. DailyTrust newspaper also widely reported news of the attacks on Guma communities by herdsmen.

6.0 It is therefore heart wrenching that no official statement or reaction has been received from the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria over the unprovoked killing of her citizens.

6.1 Such insensitivity compels us at LEADBenue to wonder if Benue state is no longer part of the nation Nigeria upon which the President governs.

7.0 We are therefore demanding for an immediate statement from the office of the President, condemning the attacks in totality.

7.1 We demand that armed herdsmen be declared as a terrorist organization that they are without further delay.

7.2 We demand that the security agencies be directed to without delay move to secure the attack prone localities such as Guma, Logo, Buruku, Agatu and the several others that have suffered similar attacks before.

7.3 This time, we will not let go until perpetrators are arrested, paraded, charged and tried for acts of terrorism.

8.0 We call on ALL well-meaning Nigerians to be their brothers keepers and stand in total condemnation of herdsmen attacks anywhere in Nigeria, in this instance Guma LGA of Benue state.

9.0 In the interim, we call on the Governor of Benue state to liaise with all traditional rulers in the state to mobilize their subjects to remain vigilante and defend selves against such attacks, self defense is lawful.


Laz Apir, Coordinator LEADBenue.

Thursday 19 October 2017

#YouthNow: World Youth Day for Democracy Laz Apir

Once upon a time in 1996, a group of young Benue folks convened, the oldest of them in the room was 38 years old. They brainstormed and birthed a document which they were thoughtful enough to send to some experts at United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to critique. The experts from UNDP called the document a master piece having scrutinized it. However, they wondered if there will be executive capacity to implement it. That document translated into the Benue Advancement Plan that the Akume administration adopted when it came on board in 1999. Most of the drivers of that administration were in their fifties and they all poorly attempted to execute the blue print but failed. Even that some key actors from the 1999 cabal have been instrumental to the successive administrations in the state, the blue print remains abandoned.

In another news, since the return of democratic governance in Nigeria in 1999, over 98% of those who have occupied the office of President, Governor, Senate, or appointed as Ministers or heads of parastatals are non-youths. The average age for being a governor is 52 years and 58 years for the senate and ministerial appointments. Sadly, 99% of them have failed woefully with evidence being the state of affairs in Nigeria today. By implication only 2% of leadership failure in Nigeria can ever be blamed on the youths but this too is debatable.

Another fact is that in the last two decades, the majority of African states have grossly under-performed and one common feature they share is the average age of heads of government in Africa which is 62 years. Whilst agreeing that age by itself should not be an issue, the inability of such folks in these ages to critically think and solve Africa’s development challenges cannot be ignored. They have shown clearly that they cannot be a solution to the current challenges. Could it be a generational conspiracy to fail an entire continent? I continue to wonder.

These three instances above are the reason I take offense and consider it callous and highly unfair each time someone somehow finds the only example in Yahaya Bello of Kogi State to justify the argument that the youths are neither ready nor different. Granted, if the youths are no different, is that why the old people who are spent should continue in leadership only to selfishly enrich themselves? The youths are not even qualified to have the opportunity to fail? For countries like Nigeria who even have systemic exclusion of youths enshrined in the constitution where age qualification for president is pegged at 40, what are the youths to do?

As the world observes the 2017 world youth day for democracy (#WYDD), I couldn’t agree more with this year’s theme which is #YouthNow. And the only ones who should realize and take action as inspired by this theme are the youths! Very many youths have the energy, the requisite enlightenment, exposure and above all, the numbers to make a difference in any given election. It is on this note that I call on youths of Nigeria in general and Benue State in particular to refuse and reject the narrative that they are not ready for leadership. No one should tell them less than they know and feel about their future. The Youths should realize that nothing about them without them is for them, their inclusion is non-negotiable. 

A mind-set has been built to sustain the narrative that youths are not ready and are worse in leadership. This argument is baseless given that 99% of leadership since 1999 has been in the hands of non-youths and it has woefully failed. The old people simply have built this narrative to sustain their selfish hold onto power. Sadly, unsuspecting youths have been manipulated into helping sustain the narrative. They effortlessly run down a fellow youth who dares to stand against the mind set; just to prove they are loyal servants to the old spent generation.

The situation has further complicated to the point that youths who get passed over again and again get into their late 30s and early 40s still expecting their inclusion on the youth quota whilst the actual youths of 18 to 30 years are completely kept out of the picture. Let’s be clear about one thing, the agitation by those in the age categories of late 30s to early 40s is valid and the surest way actual youths can ever get included in leadership. This is why both the youths and the youthful of our times must stand together and demand in action their inclusion in leadership, especially elective leadership.

On this note, I say a belated Happy World Youth Day for Democracy (#WYDD 2017) to Kamo Sende, Kuma Shiishi, Sefa Ikpa, Robert Aondona, and all the youths who are refusing to settle for less.


Wednesday 18 October 2017


The event which didn't begin at the scheduled time later began at about 11:00am with the opening prayer said by Pastor Dave Ogbole. After this, the moderator Dr. Ikpanor asked both stanzas of the Nigerian National anthem to be sang; this was of course preceded by the introduction of guests present; Notable from amongst them, the guest speakers Ms. Laura Utume and Mr. Adejo Oko and also the lead speaker Prof. Yakubu Aboki Ochefu. Others included the Jukun community of Benue State, Convener of LEAD Benue Mr. Akula Samson and his LEAD team, Senator A.B Mark was represented and a host of others.
The moderator Dr. Elijah Ikpanor without much ado introduced the Chairperson of LEAD cooperative, Dr. Victoria Egwaor Daaor who was standing in for the Coordinator of LEADBenue to give the opening remarks.
In her short and concise remarks Dr. Daaor on behalf of the Coordinator Mr. Lazarus Msaaga Apir offered apologies for his absence stating that he was unable to arrive the country within schedule to meet the event. Mrs Daaor encouraged participants to further stand behind LEAD to place it on the threshold of history for society's betterment.
She emphasized that "we must open up our minds to true change and move away from mediocrity".
 She stated that "the young people have proven aggressive due to frustration and assured further that LEAD would create a platform where true progress will be made and our people will vent". She assured participants further of their safety throughout the symposium.

After the opening remarks, it was time to get down to the business of the day, it was then that the moderator introduced and read the citation of the first speaker, Mr. Ogiri Adejo.
Mr. Ogiri in his exquisite presentation had a lot of high points; 
Notable "quotable quotes" from his presentation are highlighted below:
"Give me just one generation of youth and I'd transform the whole city"
- The youth are the true spine of the society and a lot of things do not happen because the young people ignore their true strength"
- "Politics is the currency of man's interaction with his fellow men".
- "youths not oil; are the nation's true wealth"
- "The youths don't decide the debts taken or how they are spent but we pay and why can't we ask for a place in decision making?"
- "The youths are the highest determinants as to whether a candidate and their party wins or loses an election"
- " We have an advantage today as youths, if ignored this will become a time-bomb".
Ogiri's well prepared presentation basically was a clarion call for the youths to rise to the occasion and take their rightful place in leadership. His 40 minutes’ presentation centrally was to the notion that it is time for the young Nigerians to take their currency back and situate themselves in the proper positions.

As an interlude, Dr. Ikpanor did include that as youths we needed to reshape our thinking; he opined further that scaling our priorities "properly" had become necessary the moment we realized that we would not be "easily" granted a sit at the table. He asked that we change tact in the war we have been fighting as we have been fighting wrong. In his words;
"Let us shift our arsenals from attacking elders on social media to building blocks for our own future by the instrumentality of the PVC".
With this he introduced and read the Citation of the second speaker; Ms Laura Utume.
Mrs Utume's 45 minutes’ presentation was another classic. It was an "all high point" presentation. Notable "quotable quotes" from her presentation are;

-"We have no democracy in Nigeria, we have civil rule. The generation now must change the narrative."
-"The youth is that extremely important and greatly acceptable value for transaction that is used in the negotiation of power"
-"The true power brokers are the youth but we have sacrificed our place on the altars of short-sightedness"
-We lack basically the capacity to discuss the primary issues; because we have made it thus".
-" Mentorship, objective followership and apprenticeship have lost their true essence. We would rather today identify the people who tell us the not so true and convenient statements than the lot who tell the uncomfortable but progressive truth".
-"To be able to get any kind of freedom, religious or political; you must first have economic freedom".
-" We need to stand together or we would all fail. They know this and they do not want to see us happen".
-" It will not be easy;
The protectors of the status quo and the brotherhood of indifferent pessimists will be mitigating factors against us but we would go beyond their believes IF we stand together"
-" We are the LEADers of tomorrow; tomorrow is now, none else is coming".
- "Nothing about us that is without us is for us".
She closed her beautiful paper harping on integrity and the need to stand together.
She emphasized that choosing wise battles will go a long way to getting it right as she asked the fundamental question; 
"Where are those who died fighting for politicians’ pre-elections in history today"?
The answer is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf: Nowhere in history.

In his interlude, Dr. Ikpanor in his usual superb style did drop a question that left the audience "pin-drop" silent;
"How can we ever be included if we talk down on our generation more than we promote them"?
It was time now to usher in the "big wig"
The moderator read the enviable citation of the lead speaker after a short break.
The citation of Professor Ochefu left everybody in wait and need there be emphasis that he did not disappoint? He didn't. 

Prof. Y.A Ochefu began by appreciating the effort and stating that young people (the oldest of whom was 38 then) did what LEAD today attempts as far back as 96; a group he was a nucleus part of, one that would later give birth to the Benue Advancement Plan.
He said;
"We sent the document to the UNDP to critique' the UNDP said it was a master document but asked if we were sure Benue had the executive capacity to implement the ideas".
He threw the same question at LEAD's effort.
Professor Ochefu's One hour presentation was breath-taking and pure class.
Every moment was a high one. Notable "quotable quotes " from the presentation are highlighted. below;
- " it is one thing to have the energy and passion to do something positively and another new thing to choose wise company".
- "If we stand strong when tested, we learn and grow from the process".

-"Young people must learn to climb the ropes and have their pedigree tested. They must grow. A man who has never been head boy of his school cannot want to be Senator of zone C from nowhere; people should grow".
- "If you cannot communicate your ideas, it is either you are trying to mask your ignorance or you are helpless".
- "Where you want to go, a lot of people will not; some cannot, when you find them, move on. Suffer together, more importantly, go together".
-"Leaders must stand strong by standing for something; they must inspire others following".
- "Situation Variables in leadership determines how one rules. You rule depending on society’s state…in peace, prosperity or war; Rule. A balanced leader however can combine this variables and rule".
-"These things have been done before, why not again?"

The astute academician concluded by charging the younger generation to continue in self-development and encouraged LEAD Benue kind of ideas as they ultimately will lead to giant strides.

The moderator at this juncture opened spaces for questions to be taken on all three presentations.
Reactions and questions from Kenneth Ati and another lady representing the Jukun community drew out answers from the Professor.
Of importance was his mention during this response; that one of Benue's most successful governors Apolos Aper Aku did deliver because he assembled some of the best brains Benue had at the time; unlike the situation now where judgement stinks with political colouring than capacity.
He concluded by saying "what is lacking is youth opportunity…We've said all that needs to be said and all we need is someone to work. Somebody who would pick up the documents and do".

Closing reactions were interesting and contributions from Pastor Dave Ogbole who charged all to train themselves and stay prepared amongst others closed the event.

The very fulfilling event came to a close at about 03:00PM

Saturday 16 September 2017

Benue Flood Victims support Partners Strongly Condemn the Attack On her Volunteer; Ukan Kurugh

For Immediate release…

Benue Flood Victims support partners strongly condemns the attack on one of her volunteers at the International Market Camp for the Internally Displaced Persons occasioned by the recent Floods in Benue State.

It is no longer news that yesterday Ukan Kurugh who since day one of the Camp opening has both being volunteering to attend to the needs of the IDPs at the camp as well as using his media platform to draw global attention to the ordeal was attacked. What for us has become news is the lack of prompt attention given the mater by security agencies in the state and the deafening silence from Benue State Government and SEMA who have a direct responsibility for the camp.

The inhumane treatment meted to Ukan Kurugh, causing him bodily harm could have been on any other volunteer. We all have felt frustrated and vented same here and there, anyone of us could be the next target for attack. It is therefore for safety of all of us and in solidarity with one of our own that we regret to announce that we have withdrawn our volunteers from the IDP camp.

This is no way to reward or encourage noble citizen acts such as volunteerism. What lessons are we leaving for the future and those who may feel the urge to help fellow human beings in urgent need? That the attack was in broad day light and in clear view of the security operatives present at the camp as the Governor was being expected leaves more questions than answers. And that the Governor arrived the camp moments later without ordering the arrest of the thugs who we can confirm were still very much on the camp is yet another cause for worry. This ridicules us all and we cannot be quiet on such an objectionable handling of the ordeal.

We are therefore calling the Government of Benue State and the security agencies to bring the much demanded justice to Ukan Kurugh and assuage our fears that ours has not become a jungle where the strongest can devour the weak and vulnerable in a lawless manner with impunity. We demand the chief security officer of Benue State to condemn this dastard act in the strongest terms and order full scale investigation that will bring the culprits to book.

Benue Flood Victims Support partners will continue to deploy her interventions on another level pending when the security concerns in the camp are sufficiently addressed. Whilst doing that, our resolve is to continue to Stand with Ukan Kurugh until justice is served.

We call on the public and our charitable partners to continue to support the Benue Flood Victims in any way they can.


Benue Flood Victims Support Partners
1. Community Links
2. LEADBenue
4. #ICareForIDPs
5. AIT
6. TY Danjuma Foundation
7. Sterling Bank
8. Kasajene
9. Rendra Foundation
10. Environment and Safety Management Institute
11. Environment, Gender and Peace Building Initiative
12. Resource Conservation Development Initiative
13. Let Us Help Out


Friday 15 September 2017

Ukan Kurugh Molested by Thugs at the Makurdi International Camp for IDPs

Fellow Countrymen;
Diplomats and Friends of LEAD Worldwide. 

1. Activities of the last 24 hours necessitated an emergency convention of LEAD Benue and her partners in the Benue Flood Victims support. 

1.1 As has occupied the social media and other fora; social activist and LEAD Benue member Ukan Peter Kurugh who has been serving at the camp and representing our group was molested at the Internally Displaced Persons-IDPs camp in Makurdi by thugs who voiced out their disgust against him for criticizing the government of Benue state. 

1.2 In the wake of the flood in Benue and the subsequent displacement of fellow citizens by the flood, we did organize ourselves together to rally funds for our displaced people; a venture that has proven a great success because of your contributions. 

2.0 Recall that Ukan Peter Kurugh and many others from LEAD and beyond have been serving at the camps as volunteers and have religiously and diligently carried out their duties until today. 

3.0 The said thugs did inhumanly treat Ukan Kurugh, they beat him and caused him grievous bodily harm; an act that is unacceptable not only because it is dehumanizing but worst because he is our member attending to humanitarian needs of IDPs. 

4.0 We condemn this dastardly act in vehemence and we announce that forthwith we are withdrawing the services of our volunteers at the Internally Displaced Persons camp on account of the ensuing impunity and deafening silence of the government of Benue state and the clear statement that they can no longer guarantee our safety on camps and prevent the violation of our peoples as has proven with this conduct. 

4.1 Our withdrawal from the camp is hinged on the fact that our movement has been disrespected and the blatant disregard for the cries tendered after hours of the said incidence only prove the government's apathy. 

4.2. That this was done in public glare and up to this moment no culprit has been apprehended clearly shows that our other members are at risk and stand being harmed on the trumped up charges of criticizing the government of the day. 

4.3 We would further be informed that the governor arrived the camp a few minutes later with the perpetrators of this act still on ground and could not order their arrest or take any move to grant our comrade justice. He only mentioned passively that he would replace his broken iPad and asked that "he reports to the security agencies or forgives the perpetrators of the act". 

4.4 It is unthinkable as it is unacceptable.

4.5 It has also been confirmed that security agencies stood by and watched as our comrade was assaulted and only one operative of the Department of State Security would later come to his rescue. 

4.6.    It is a considered opinion that this was planned with the permission of the security agencies present as their tacit nod to the act raises no other thinking.  

4.7 It is an act we cannot take and it is a pill we cannot swallow. 

4.8 We hope to continue our work on another note and with better security guaranteed. 

4.9 Until then we wish to concentrate on measures to seeking justice for our Abused comrade and putting in place measures that such an act is never repeated. 

5.0 We must reiterate for emphasis that we are not allowing this slide under the mud and we would not allow this indiscipline go. 

5.1 This is one human right violation gone too far. 

5.2 We regret the inconveniences our decisions might have caused the general public as we assure them that we would take all legal methods to bring justice to Ukan Peter Kurugh. 

5.3 Retain as always the assurance of our esteemed regards. 

LEAD Benue.

Invitation To Otukpo Symposium

This is officially inviting you to join other Benue progressive minds as we engage on the subject of youths as a critical currency in politics. 

Monday 31 July 2017

#LEADBenue: A LOOMING CHANGE IN THE HORIZON - Apeyuan Emmanuel Terese

As it is common truism, the only constant thing in life is change. But change… cannot just come. Change happens when there is natural allowance for its purpose. It happens when there is an individual or collective decision to allow for change. This is why sticking with a status quo can never allow for change. Society only changes when the individual decides to change.

#LEADBenue seeks to initiate change. It is a youth oriented organization, which seeks to further the cause of psycho-Physical, socio-political, economic and demographic development.

The organization believes that change starts with the individual, therefore, instead of depending on some Government to bring about change, we should change first, and then the Government would have no choice but to change as well.
It is believed today that the youths are the ‘bad eggs’ of every society and this is very evident in Benue state. The elders always makes references to the youths as agents of Tar Vihin; that they are the perpetrators of all evil, even though it is the father who sends the child to steal the eggs.

As a result, when two or three youth gather, it is believed that theirs is for the worst. It is either they are smoking hemp, doing drugs, planning robbery and rape, and several other vices.
#LEADBenue stands for a new image for the youths. A forum to bring about positive change through innovative thinking and enterprises that would help steer the society to some good.

In a recent outing, the group had mobilized for a massive sensitization about the anticipated flood, and a social mobilization for clearing stuffed-up gutters and blocked drainages in preparation for the said flood.

This for instance gives a little opening into the new image these youths seek to stand for. It is hoped that similar other initiatives may follow suit as we continue to think innovatively and positively.

Our days are those of politics. The 21st century society places so much value on politics. In fact, in Benue state, Politics seems to be the leading enterprise.
Even though the organization is non-partisan, part of their ideology seeks to encourage youths towards supporting Positive Governance coming from any angle at all irrespective of party differences.

With the trending concept of #NotTooYoungToRun, the organization also encourages youths to involve politics in whichever positive aspect, so that they can also contribute to policy-making as well as physical societal development.

Kudos goes to the initiators of this forum, given their tactful ideology for beginning change with the youthful individual. With this new image, you have proved beyond reasonable doubts that the youths are really the manpower of our dear society and not agents of mayhem as traditionally purported.

On a personal note, I wish to encourage you to keep up the good work, despite the prevailing challenges. Be sure of the fact that the society is watching, and as Karma begets that "what goes around comes around", someday, reward shall surely come around.


Sunday 23 July 2017

Press statement Issued at the Flood Awareness and Mitigation Campaign Organized by LEAD Benue Cooperative Society on the 21st July, 2017.

Fellow countrymen;

Today is not a pleasant day even that it offered us a great reunion because the occasion is not one of merry making.
Given the report by the Director General of Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (HIHSA), Moses Beckley, warning of impending floods this 2017. This action became necessarily for us as Benue was also listed among the 30 states that will be affected by the floods. At this point, the floods cannot be circumvented but it can largely be contained and fatalities avoided.

In the previous years, Benue has suffered a great deal from the aftermath of similar floods with a good number of citizens rendered Internally Displaced Persons, who had to live in informal camps as there were no official government camps set up for them. Sadly, some primary schools in the State had to bear the brunt as their school calendars were interrupted and suspended for weeks and months in some cases.

The laissez faire attitude of authorities toward the flood was largely the greatest catalyst to the effects it left. It is against this backdrop that we have undertaken to create an awareness ahead of the impending floods as warned by NIHS, the ways of mitigating the effects and the possible way forward.

We have further offered ideas that have strategically been grouped into short, mid and long term measures to contend the menace of flood in Benue state. There are multiple approaches to achieving the recommendations offered herein. These revolves around awareness, mindset change, new policy/policy change and improvement, citizens-government-business sector collaboration,
prevention/incentive/sanctions, institutions building, etc
Short Term
Intensive sensitization and sustained awareness
Drainage clearing/sanitation enforcement
Efficient and transparent emergency and relief management
Mid Term
Establishment of Early Warning Systems under SEMA
Building of massive drainage canals around flood prone areas
Long Term
Dredging of River Benue
Building of Dams
Urban/Town Plan renewal
We call on the relevant MDAs in Benue state to rise up to the occasion and attract federal Government intervention on the flood situation in the state. We take this time out to appreciate our media friends and all active citizens who deemed it fit to join in this awareness activity. We call on all active citizens to join us this morning as we embark on drainage clearing activity in Wurukum, Makurdi.

Wednesday 21 June 2017


by Laz Apir

When Shimadoo Igbawua made the submission that Benue needs a new beginning, almost everyone who spared time to read what she had to say concurred that truly Benue was due for a fresh start. However, someone held a different opinion and branded the youths advocating for fresh start as naïve and inexperienced. The single differing opinion got me thinking and I said to myself, wait a minute, this guy is himself a youth, so did he reach that conclusion because as a youth he feels naïve and inexperienced? Or has someone older brainwashed him into feeling naïve and inexperienced? Whichever be the case, I came to the realization that Benue needing a new beginning is not the problem. The real problem is the obstacles to reaching the reset button. A duty that has become a collective and necessary one, I invite you to join me in the task of identifying and removing the obstacles in the way of Project Reset Benue State.

For me, a key obstacle is the mindset of some Benue Youths. Let me first give you some shocking backgrounds that perhaps some Benue youths are unaware of which leaves them enslaved in the hands of their oppressors.

The current life expectancy in Nigeria is 54.07 years which ranks 16th in Africa and 216 in the world. What this means is that if nothing drastic happens by way of improving the situation, most Nigerians will die before their 60th birthday. Based on this submission, it means anyone who is above 54 years is living on borrowed time and is more likely to die before those who are less than 40 years. What this readily points out is the fact that we have largely people who are living on borrowed time, nay, people who are at the end of their lives and yet acting as though their lives are just beginning, steering our affairs; whilst those who have a long future ahead are idly watching how their futures are being shaped or shipped away. Keep this in mind as we consider the next background.

In another news, Nigeria’s latest population estimate shows that half of Nigeria’s estimated 182 million people are young persons of below 30 years of age. That would be a whopping 91 million human beings!!! If you add the young adults of 31-40 years, it is safe to say 75% of Nigerians are below 45 years old. Juxtapose this statistics with that of life expectancy and you would see that the people deciding the future have no real share in it and as such may have been exhibiting very low levels of commitment to building a viable and prosperous future for the youths.

It then begs the question of what yardstick of measurement has allowed the entrenchment of such a system in which the older population which is in the minority enslaves the younger population that have the majority? I have my guess but please add yours in the comment section.

My theory is that the mindset of the youths is not right, and it has led to their enslavement and exclusion from being active shapers of their future. If election is won by those with majority votes, how does one explain how those with the number, the energy and the actual future ahead not vote themselves into office; instead, they vote people who have neared their ends and are still greedy to only concern with amassing wealth they can never really finish spending in their remaining miserable lives? And to imagine that a few youths who dare to challenge the misnomer are being told by their fellow youths that they are being naïve and inexperienced. That is one hell of a sick mindset!

I tell what, gullibility is not an exclusive preserve of the young. From 1999 to date, evidence support the fact that the old are just as gullible as the young. What really matters is that when the time of a generation comes, they are able to seize the opportunity and do what is best for themselves knowing that posterity is never kind in judgement. In fairness, it is possible that out of the 75% youthful population, maybe only 5% is experienced, prepared and ready to lead, and as such, they should have the opportunity to steer the dreams and aspirations of their generation and even attempt to lay a solid ground before transiting power to the next and the next generation. I ask; what has stopped the 5% ready youths from being included in leadership? Has the subsisting system fed their minds with lies of unpreparedness, inexperience and naivety?

Nay, Martin Luther King Jnr. answered this a long time ago when he said “Freedom is never willingly given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed”.

Dear Benue Youths, you are ripe for leadership. No one, I repeat no one; should tell you otherwise. Every day, I encounter very many of you who exhibit competence and grasp of the issues that a good leadership requires. Stephen Hemba for instance know every compound and business premise that should be demolished in Makurdi town and has the will power to execute if given the opportunity. He did an entire MSc. research on this issue and made far reaching recommendations, I bet the previous and incumbent governor care less. Similarly, folks like Tersoo Samson Akula, Yimave Gyangyang, Mavis Dooshima Orjime, Charles Uko Agwu, Atom Lim, Aondover Lawrence Utsaha, Oryiman Alu, and several other Benue youths out there that I have come across who are handling complex roles for multinationals, international and national projects and accomplishing amazing success. 

Therefore for anyone to say to the generality of Benue youths that they are naïve and inexperienced is not only an insult to an entire generation, it is a blatant lie conjured by an oppressor that desires to hold onto power even to the grave. Therefore, for any youth to sit back and expect that their time to ascend to leadership is ahead is faulty and a confirmation that perhaps they are not ready. To expect no obstacles in the quest for leadership is tantamount to expecting the oppressor to willingly hand you your freedom. It won’t happen!

So, I dare you to be louder in your demand for the right to decide your future. I challenge you to get involved in shaping your future, no one is better qualified in deciding what is good for you than you.

And for the youths whose education and exposure has become as useless as the “P” is Psychology; given their blind loyalty to the oppressor. They have made themselves an obstacle to the actualization of the Project Reset Benue, to these doubters, the only thing you can do is to make them believe. How do you do that? Continue to organize, continue to mobilize, continue to shape the narrative and most of all, continue to push forward, when the moment of truth comes, they will beg to fall in line. Eventually they all do.

Project Reset Benue state is the youths’ and any other willing participant regardless of age, sex, ethnicity or religion. It won’t be easy, it never has been easy, not for Ghandi, not for Martin Luther King Jnr., not for Mandela and certainly not for you the progressive minded Benue Youths already organizing. But you are left one choice and direction…to keep moving forward…with eyes on the goal.

I am Laz Apir, and my love for Benue State is enormous.

Views as expressed are solely the authors’ @lazapir and not necessarily those of LEAD Benue Movement.